Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fort Pitt; My French and Indian War tour wrap-up

Next up, after Fort Ligonier, I drove to downtown Pittsburgh to visit the Fort Pitt Blockhouse and Museum. I knew the Blockhouse would be closed, but could still view the outside, and the Museum itself was open for visiting. The route from Ligonier to Pittsburgh included some rough and wooded countryside, and it got me thinking about game terrain, of course. I think I am representing the more cultivated areas well enough in my games, but want to add more ruggedness to my wooded terrain. The challenge is to maintain "figure friendliness," too. I'll figure it out.

Anyway, the park area around the Museum and Blockhouse is really attractive.

More cool dioramas of Fort Pitt at several stages in its growth, along with some set-piece life-size displays. And more regimental colors.

A section of the Museum is devoted to an interesting exhibit showcasing movie memorabilia from Cecil B. DeMille's epic "Unconquered." 

And then it was off to Cleveland and back to work.

See ya!


  1. Love the Colours for the 60th Royal American!

  2. Great pictures. Love the banners, uniforms and dioramas.

  3. It was a good trip. I forgot to mention I picked up a book at the Gift Shop: "The Royal American Regiment" by Alexander V. Campbell, published in 2010.
