Friday, July 22, 2022

Battles & Brews is almost here!


Battles & Brews 2022 is happening next weekend in Independence, MO and Yours Truly will be there with my French & Indian War toys. Go here to learn more about this weekend of wargaming for grownups. Sorta. I've committed to one game on Saturday afternoon  (The Clearing - 1758) to playtest some era-specific rules amendments for Wiley Games' Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles


Come be part of the fun! To get you in the mood, here are a few photos from the Fistful of Lead game from last March I promised to post about way back then. The scenario was a prisoner "exchange" between French and British regulars; both sides had broken the truce by hiding irregulars in the woods in an attempt to take BOTH hostages. The British regulars fired first, but the French-allied Natives forced the hand-to-hand action - in a typical Fistful-style "Blood Alley" - and the French regulars cleaned up to complete the overwhelming French victory.

 See ya there!



  1. That was a thrilling game in March. Was lucky to be able to play in it.

    1. Hi Reese. It was a pleasure to meet and game with you! If I remember correctly you're blogging about Big Toys, too, right? Please feel free to drop the URL here so we can start following you.

      It has been a while since i kept it up to date. Need to get on that.
