Thursday, January 6, 2022

Happy New Year. . . I get to start it with Covid.


Yup. I have The Covid. A mild case; one night of fever and two days - so far - of a sore throat and occasional cough - which I am attributing to being vaxxed and boosted. And quarantine. Hopefully the symptoms remain mild.
Now on to the gaming content. No predictions or goals or New Year resolutions as to how many minis I plan to paint this year. Sorry - just don't need the extra pressure at this time.
The last game I played was at The Baron's, of course: Flower of Chivalry published by The Canadian Wargames Group. Typical medieval mayhem so the photos will be hard to make sense of - the video can be accessed via this POST. I commanded the left flank battle of our side, which I failed to hold, and our side eventually lost.

It has been YEARS since I played FoC and it showed. But I was reminded what an intriguing set of rules it is, and its Battle Lust mechanism can give a basic "advance and bash" period some real flavor and nuance. So I found a used copy of the rules online with the thought I might adapt them to the earlier Norman Conquest, only to find the earlier armies/troop types already catered for in the rules. There is also a conversion guide for rules and troop types to the DBA, Tactica and WRG rules, which might also provide an indication to the age of rules, but is a bonus in that I like to base minis so they can be used for DBA (3.0 of course) too. Win win win!
See ya. . . after I kick Covid, of course.